I’m Jennifer Evans with Trio Property Management Inc. I am here in sunny Las Vegas with my husband Jason we are here attending the National Association of Residential Property Managers Broker/Owner (NARPM), conference. The conference is basically where brokers and owners of property management industries come together and we share ideas learned from the best of the best. And we take these ideas home and share them with our clients. Our company likes to attend the conference because one of our core values is to be a resource for a clients. That basically means for our company that we want to provide a great service for our clients and we want to make sure that we are providing them with the newest and greatest property management information to help serve them and solve their problems that they’re having with their investment homes. We find it to be a great value to our clients for us to attend NARPM. It is a lot of time and resources for us to attend and we find it’s just a really great value for our clients. We also recommend if you are an investor watching this video, for you to take a look at the National Association for Residential Property Managers website as this is also great wonderful organization and we highly recommend you look for property managers who are involved with NARPM and also those who have earned their designations. Jason and myself are both RMP's which means we are Residential Management Professionals. We've gone through a lot of time, education, classwork, volunteer work in order to earn these designations. We do our very best to provide the best service for our clients. Also if you are a property manager watching this video we highly recommend you look into NARPM (https://www.narpm.org/) for yourself. It's a great resource, wonderful conferences and just a great value.
We hope you have found this video helpful. If you have any questions about professional property management in the Eugene, Oregon area and surrounding communities, give us a call, we'd love to hear from you. Our company is Trio Property Management and you can reach us at 541.434.1900. Or check us out online at www.triopm.com. Thanks for watching.